Computer Assisted Proof is closely aligned with my primary research focus in Computer Science. My work bridges the fields of mathematics and computer science, utilizing advanced computational techniques to explore and validate mathematical theorems.
The emergence of automated and semi-automated proof systems has transformed the way we approach mathematical problems. By integrating formal logic, combinatorics, and computational methods, we can tackle conjectures and problems that were previously out of reach. My research emphasizes Formal Verification that ensures the correctness of mathematical proofs and computational algorithms; and
Experimental Mathematics that uses computation to uncover patterns, explore conjectures, and propose new theorems. This page serves as a curated resource for tools, techniques, and systems that contribute to this exciting area of study.
SAT / SMT Researchers
Carlos Ansótegui
Clark Barrett
Christian Bessière
Jeremias Berg
• Olaf Beyersdorff
Armin Biere
Maria Paola Bonacina
Nikolaj Bjørner
Curtis Bright
Shaowei Cai
Supratik Chakraborty
Vašek Chvátal
Katalin Fazekas
Pascal Fontaine
John Franco
Vijay Ganesh
Holger Hoos
Marijn Heule
Warren A. Hunt Jr.
Alexey Ignatiev
Mikoláš Janota
Matti Järvisalo
Jie-Hong Roland Jiang
Matt Kaufmann
Benjamin Kiesl-Reiter
Antonina Kolokolova
Michal Kouril
Daniel Kroening
Oliver Kullmann
Daniel Le Berre
Jordi Levy
Inês Lynce
Meena Mahajan
Joao Marques-Silva
Ruben Martins
Kuldeep S. Meel
Stefan Mengel
J Strother Moore
Leonardo de Moura
Alexander Nadel
Nina Narodytska
Aina Niemetz
Jakob Nordström
Luca Pulina
Karem Sakallah
Laurent Simon
Roberto Sebastiani
Martina Seidl
Carsten Sinz
Ofer Strichman
Naoyuki Tamura
Xishun Zhao
SAT / SMT solvers
CaDiCaL: A simplified and modern SAT solver designed for research and industrial applications.
Clasp: A conflict-driven answer set solver for solving SAT problems and related logic programs.
CVC5: An advanced SMT solver with SAT-solving capabilities and support for theories like arithmetic and bit-vectors.
CryptoMiniSat: A SAT solver optimized for cryptographic applications with advanced debugging tools.
Kissat: A high-performance SAT solver with scalability for industrial problems.
MapleSAT: A SAT solver that uses machine learning techniques to improve decision heuristics.
MiniSat: A lightweight and efficient SAT solver often used as a foundation for other solvers.
PicoSAT: A small and efficient SAT solver often used in teaching and experimentation.
PrecoSAT: A SAT solver designed to test experimental SAT-solving techniques.
RISS: A robust SAT solver with advanced preprocessing and inprocessing capabilities.
SAT4J: A Java-based SAT solver designed for embedding in Java applications.
SATCH: A minimalistic SAT solver for educational and research purposes.
Splatz: A SAT solver optimized for high scalability in industrial use cases.
YalSAT: A lightweight SAT solver using stochastic local search techniques.
Z3: A high-performance SMT and SAT solver developed by Microsoft Research for formal verification and symbolic reasoning.
Interactive Theorem Provers
ITP Researchers
Jeremmy Avigad •
Kevin Buzzard •
François Chollet •
Georges Gonthier •
Timothy Gowers •
Thomas C. Hales •
Larry Paulson •
Christian Szegedy •
Josef Urban
Proof Assistants
Coq: A proof assistant for developing machine-checked proofs, focusing on typed functional programming and formal verification.
HOL4: A theorem prover for higher-order logic, particularly useful in hardware and software verification.
HOL Light: A lightweight proof assistant for higher-order logic, known for its simplicity and focus on mathematical proofs.
Isabelle: A generic interactive theorem prover supporting multiple logical formalisms, including higher-order logic.
Lean: An interactive proof assistant and programming language widely used for formal mathematics and theorem proving.
NuPRL: A proof development system supporting constructive type theory for formal mathematics and verification.
Proof General: A generic Emacs-based environment for interacting with proof assistants like Coq, Isabelle, and Lean.
Mizar: A proof assistant designed for formalizing mathematical knowledge and creating a library of formalized mathematics.
SASyLF: A lightweight proof assistant designed for educational purposes and focusing on language theory and formal reasoning.
Why3: A platform for deductive program verification that integrates multiple proof assistants and SMT solvers.
Some articles on AI-assisted proofs
• S. Chakraborty et al. (2025)
Towards Neural Synthesis for SMT-assisted Proof-Oriented Programming,
ICSE, pp. 13-25.
• T. H. Trinh et al. (2024)
Solving olympiad geometry without human demonstrations, Nature, 625, pp. 476–482.
• J. Yao et al. (2023)
Leveraging Large Language Models for Automated Proof Synthesis in Rust.
• A. Paliwal et al. (2020)
Graph Representations for Higher-Order Logic and Theorem Proving, AAAI-2020.
• K. Bansal et al. (2019)
HOList: An Environment for Machine Learning of Higher-Order Theorem Proving, ICML-36.
• S. Loos, G. Irving, C. Szegedy, C. Kaliszyk. (2017)
Deep Network Guided Proof Search. LPAR-21. pp. 85-105.
• C. Kaliszyk, F. Chollet, C. Szegedy. (2017)
HolStep: a Machine Learning Dataset for Higher-Order Logic Theorem Proving, ICLR-5.
• A. Alemi, F. Chollet, G. Irving, C. Szegedy, J. Urban (2016)
DeepMath - Deep Sequence Models for Premise Selection, NIPS-30.
Some computer-assisted proofs
Schur Number 5
The problem and its history (Wikipedia)
• Marijn Heule (2018).
Schur Number Five. The Thirty-Second AAAI Conference
on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-18).
Pythagorean Triples Problem
The problem and its history (Wikipedia)
• Marijn Heule, Oliver Kullmann, and Victor Marek (2016).
Solving and Verifying the Boolean Pythagorean Triples Problem. In Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing – SAT 2016, pp. 228-245.
Four Color Theorem
The problem and its history (Wikipedia)
• Appel, Kenneth; Haken, Wolfgang (1977), Every Planar Map is Four Colorable. I. Discharging, Illinois J. of Math., 21 (3): 429–490.
• Appel, Kenneth; Haken, Wolfgang; Koch, John (1977), Every Planar Map is Four Colorable. II. Reducibility, Illinois J. of Math., 21 (3): 491–567.
• Robertson, Neil; Sanders, Daniel P.; Seymour, Paul; Thomas, Robin (1996),
A New Proof of the Four-Colour Theorem,
Electronic Research Announcements of The AMS. This proof
is also computer-assisted and similar to but simpler than Appel and Haken's proof.
• Gonthier, Georges (2008),
Formal Proof—The Four-Color Theorem,
Notices of the AMS, 55 (11): 1382–1393. This proof used Coq as proof-assistant.
The Kepler Conjecture
The problem and its history (Wikipedia)
• Hales, Thomas C. (2005),
A proof of the Kepler conjecture, Annals of Mathematics, Second Series, 162 (3): 1065–1185.
• Hales, Thomas C. and 21 other co-authors (2017),
A formal proof of the Kepler Conjecture, Arxiv. This proof used Isabelle and HOL Light as proof-assistants.
Non-existence of a Finite Projective Plane of order 10
The problem and its history (Wikipedia)
• Lam, Clement W. H. (1991).
The Search for a Finite Projective Plane of order 10. The American Mathematical Monthly. 98 (4): 305–318.
• Bright, C. et al. (2021).
A SAT-based Resolution of Lam's Problem, AAAI-2021.
Robbins Conjecture
The problem and its history (Wikipedia)
• S. Winker.
Absorption and idempotency criteria for a problem in near-Boolean algebras. Journal of Algebra, 153:414–423, 1992.
• Mann, Allen (2003).
A Complete Proof of the Robinns Conjecture. M. A. Thesis Excerpt
Ramsey's Theorem and Exact values of Ramsey numbers
The problem and its history (Wikipedia)
• Radziszowski, Stanisław P. (1994 - 2017)
Small Ramsey Numbers. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Dynamic Syrveys.
Van der Waerden's Theorem and Exact values of van der Waerden numbers
The theorem and its history (Wikipedia)
• See the Wikipedia entry
Van der Waerden Number for values and bounds.